Use CircleCI to implement CI/CD and deploy to AWS S3

Some important concepts before we start

1. CI/CD

During the development of a project, developers will commit and push code to the main branch of a shared repository frequently. Of course, before commit/push, we usually need to run tests and check code style to insure the new code could integrate with existing code very well.

With this purpose, Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) provide a sort of common software development practice. This is how them work:

  1. Developers check the code locally on their computers

  2. When completed — they commit changes to the repository

  3. Repository sends a request (webhook) to CI system (usually we can config which branch will execute which jobs pipeline)

  4. CI server runs job (tests, coverage, lint and others)

  5. CI server releases saved artifacts for testing

  6. If the build or tests fail, the CI server alerts the team

  7. The team fixes the issue

  8. If the build and tests succeed, the CD server (if has) deploys current branch code to app server (in this case, we will show how to deploy to AWS s3 bucket)


How to distinguish these concepts? DevOps, Agile development, CI and CD. This image can tell you all of them

2. Create a React project with CRA

We will create a React app with Create React App (CRA) to connect with CircleCI server and deploy to AWS S3 bucket. This official doc will help you to initialize a React app with it.

After you finish it, you should get a web app project with following output:

├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── .gitignore
├── public
│   ├── favicon.ico
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── logo192.png
│   ├── logo512.png
│   ├── manifest.json
│   └── robots.txt
└── src
    ├── App.css
    ├── App.js
    ├── App.test.js
    ├── index.css
    ├── index.js
    ├── logo.svg
    └── serviceWorker.js

In this project, we already have the start, test and build features, and it already was initialized as a git project. Cool, all done.

3. Push your local project to a remote repository

CircleCI supports Github or Bitbucket, here we will use Github as remote repository.

  1. Create a new repo in Github for my-app code:

  2. Use command line to redirect to the root of my-app and push code

    git remote add origin<your-user-name>/my-circleci-example.git
    git push -u origin master

    The code should be in your Github my-circleci-example repo right now.

  3. Keep your machine login on Github right now.

4. Connect with CircleCI

  1. Just login to CircleCI. When GitHub prompts you to authorize CircleCI, click the Authorize application button. And maybe you also need to choose which organization will be connected if you have multiple organizations within Github account.

  2. You will be redirected to Projects page, you can set up and follow repos here.

  1. Click Set Up Project button and on next page, choose Node from the dropdown list. Right now you should see the default Node config.yml content:

     version: 2.1
       node: circleci/node@1.1.6
           name: node/default
           - checkout
           - node/with-cache:
                 - run: npm install
                 - run: npm test
             - build-and-test

orbs : A reusable package of YAML configuration that condenses repeated pieces of config into a single line of code. In this case, we will use pre-build node and aws-s3 orbs. You also can create your own orbs for your organization.

jobs: a set of the job what you intend to do during this CI process. We only have build-and-test right now. Within we have excutor which is the environment where the steps of this job run.

workflows: tell CircleCI how to run the jobs. You can add a bunch of configs for the schedule here.

You can find all configuration docs of this config.yml here.

We can click the rightmost button Add Config to use this default config and start CI process. This is enough for now, click it!

You should find you are redirected to the pipeline page and one pipeline is running.

Seconds ago, CircleCI created a new branch circleci-project-setup and a new commit Add .circleci/config.yml . This initial pipeline should take just seconds and succeed.

  1. Go back to the example repo on Github, you will find Github gives to you a notification of new branch and new commit. Right now you need to create a pull request and merge this branch to master branch. You can do it on Github page simply for now.

  2. Once you finish the merge, the CircleCI will run the pipeline again, this time it's for master branch, and of course the commit is the new PR merge commit.

5. Write our own config file and deploy production version to AWS S3 bucket

Let's start the CD part!

First of all, you need create a new S3 bucket on AWS. Let's say you already had the AWS account and you are using the non-root IAM account right now.

  1. Create a new bucket named my-circleci-example and untick the Block all public access, which make your bucket can be accessed from internet.

  2. Go to the new bucket > click Permissions tab > click Bucket Policy button > In the editor change the bucket policy with the following policy and save.

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": "*",
                "Action": "s3:GetObject",
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-circleci-example/*"
  3. Back to Properties tab and click Static website hosting block, config it like this and save:

    If you click the Endpoint, of course you will get a 404 error page. Right now we'll upload the app code via CircleCI.

  4. Now we need get the AWS access for CircleCI. Search IAM in the AWS services, then go to page of the user who created the new bucket. Then go to Security credentials tab, and click Create access key button to create a pair of access key ID and secret key.

    Don't forget to get the bucket region as well.

  5. Where should we put these credentials? Of course NOT in the code. We can put them in the project environment variables on CircleCI !

    Back to the pipeline page of CircleCI, then click the top-right button Project Settings , then switch to Environment Variables link, you can add all three variables here.

    NOTE: the variable naming should follow the picture as they are default values of aws-s3 orb. you can customized the variable naming and override them in config YAML file. This is the official doc of aws-s3 orb.

  6. Back to local my-app code first, and on master branch rungit pull to get the new code. Right now you should have a new .circle folder and a file config.yml within locally.

  7. Create a new branch add-deploy-config, and modify this config YAML file like this:

    version: 2.1
      node: circleci/node@1.1.6
      aws-s3: circleci/aws-s3@1.0.15
          name: node/default
          - checkout
          - node/with-cache:
                - run: npm install
                - run: npm test
          - run: npm run build
          - persist_to_workspace:
              root: ~/
                - project/build
          image: circleci/classic:latest
          - checkout
          - attach_workspace:
              at: ~/
          - aws-s3/sync:
              arguments: |
                --acl public-read \
                --cache-control "max-age=86400"
              from: build
              to: 's3://my-circleci-example'
              overwrite: true # default is false
          - test-and-build
          - deploy-to-s3:
                - test-and-build
                  only: master

    Let's have a dive into this new configuration:

    We have a new job: deploy-to-s3 . This job only runs when test-and-build finishes and the current branch is master branch.

    Within this deploy-to-s3, we use aws-s3 orb to do the code sync job: from build folder to s3://my-circleci-example bucket, and delete content in bucket first (with overwrite true.

    NOTE: if you want to share some content between different workflow jobs, which are test-and-build and deploy-to-s3 here, you have to share the workspace between them. We use persist_to_workspace to persist the build result, and use attach_workspace in ``deploy-to-s3` to get it.

  8. Right now you can stage, commit and push the new branch add-deploy-config to Github. CircleCI will run the pipeline for this branch, of course it will ignore the deploy-to-s3 job.

  9. On Github page, you need do the same thing: create a pull request then merge it! Look at the CircleCI pipeline page, you will have the successful test-and-build then deploy-to-s3 .

Finally, you can go to the endpoint to have a look at what you just deployed.

Have fun!😀